Port Aransas Weather

Seasonal Weather in Port Aransas, TX

Port Aransas Average Temperatures


  • High: 63°F | Low: 51°
  • Rain: 3 Days


  • High: 66°F | Low: 54°F
  • Rain: 4 Days


  • High: 71°F | Low: 60°F
  • Rain: 4 Days


  • High: 77°F | Low: 60°F
  • Rain: 3 Days


  • High: 83°F | Low: 74°F
  • Rain: 3 Days


  • High: 88°F | Low: 79°F
  • Rain: 4 Days


  • High: 89°F | Low: 80°F
  • Rain: 3 Days


  • High: 90°F | Low: 80°F
  • Rain: 3 Days


  • High: 88°F | Low: 77°F
  • Rain: 7 Days


  • High: 82°F | Low: 71°F
  • Rain: 5 Days


  • High: 74°F | Low: 61°F
  • Rain: 4 Days


  • High: 66°F | Low: 53°F
  • Rain: 4 Days

Spring Weather in Port Aransas

The spring months of March through May is widely considered as the best time to visit Port Aransas. Spring is typically contains the most clear days free from overcast, daily temperatures are generally pleasant, and there is relatively low precipitation throughout the season. Additionally, average water temperatures around Port A rise from around 65°F in early spring to approximately 80°F in late spring.

  • Spring Daily Highs: 69°F – 85°F
  • Spring Daily Lows: 57°F – 77°F

Summer Weather in Port Aransas

Summer in Port Aransas sees the hottest days of the year, with temperatures that can reach up to 90°F. That heat, combined with an average relative humidity of 75-80% can make summer seem unappealing. However, the average water temperatures sit comfortably between 80°F and 85°F throughout summer, making our gorgeous beaches even more fun to visit.

  • Summer Daily Highs: 83°F – 90°F
  • Summer Daily Lows: 73°F – 84°F

Fall Weather in Port Aransas

The fall season in Port Aransas sees similar conditions to spring, with temperatures decreasing to more comfortable levels. Fall also has fewer cloudy and overcast days compared to summer, and the average water temperatures stay within a refreshing range of around 85°F in September to 71°F in November.

  • Fall Daily Highs: 70°F – 89°F
  • Fall Daily Lows: 58°F – 80°F

Winter Weather in Port Aransas

Winter conditions in Port Aransas are cool and dry with about 43% of days seeings cloudy or overcast skies from December through February. Although this is the coolest season of the year, daily temperatures are never too brisk, often above 55°F during the daytime. If you’re looking to swim during your visit, winter may not be the time for you, as water temperatures range between 64°F and 71°F.

  • Winter Daily Highs: 51°F – 78°F
  • Winter Daily Lows: 39°F – 70°F 

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